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Indiana Passes Law that Protects Premature Babies

Hoosiers for Life is in the business of saving lives!


While pregnant mothers all over the state are fighting to keep their babies safe in their wombs until their due dates; Hoosiers for Life is fighting for the rights of tiny babies to receive care if they happen to be born early.

On July 1st of 2021, the Preemie Law will go into effect within the state of Indiana.  This law states that regardless of age when born, babies must receive life-saving care.   No longer can hospitals within the state refuse children medical intervention if born before the supposed "age of viability."

The Preemie Law in Indiana gives babies born early a fighting chance!  

This legislation was inspired by the young baby River born just a few days shy of what the hospital deemed a viable birth.  After struggling to breathe and fighting for several hours, baby River died.  His story has now traveled throughout the country, inspiring many to run similar legislation to make sure babies born early have every opportunity to live, regardless of how old they are.

Since then, we have heard of hundreds of stories similar to baby River.  Parents everywhere are pleading with medical staff to just do something when their children are struggling to live, but they have no support because of poor laws regarding this issue.

This is why Hoosiers for Life wrote the Preemie Law in Indiana.

Our goal is to give every baby the right to live!

Do you want to help make sure other LIFE bills are passed?  If it wasn't for people like yourself the Preemie legislation would have never become law. 

Sign up for our mailing list to ensure that you don't miss a single opportunity

to make a difference in the lives of tiny babies.   


Thank you for your support!

Please also consider donating to our efforts.  Every dollar raised is spent towards protecting babies.

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