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  • Writer's pictureAmy Schlichter

Session Recap and What's Next?

Dear Friend,

The 2021 Indiana legislative session is in the books, and what a session it has been.

In a year where lawmakers would have gladly shoved unborn babies to the wayside to tackle “more important issues,” Hoosiers for Life and our supporters made sure that didn’t happen.

Legalized child killing was still a topic of discussion at the Indiana Statehouse, much to the dismay of our abortion-complacent legislators.

First off, Rep. Nisly authored and Rep. Jacob co-authored the Protection of Life bill, which would ban abortion in our state.

With a “pro-life” Republican supermajority, legislation to protect our unborn neighbors at conception should pass with flying colors.

But our elected officials betrayed the unborn and insisted on keeping abortion safe and legal.

And I’m not just talking about the Democrats.

Republican Jerry Torr buried the Protection of Life bill in his committee, refusing to protect babies from the horror of abortion for the 5th straight year.

Although the Establishment hoped we’d throw in the towel, we didn’t give up!

Rep. Nisly and Rep. Jacob went on to author pro-life amendments, fighting for babies until the end of session.

The Establishment and Roe Tolerance Lobby sought to kill every pro-life measure Nisly and Jacob introduced, including the Baby River amendment, which would protect premature infants.

Once Indiana Republicans went on the record and voted against protecting already born babies, I got the word out, and you immediately responded.

Our lawmakers were shaking in their boots after hearing from so many angry voters!

Hoosiers for Life and our supporters effectively pressured our elected officials to do an about face and pass Baby River language into law!

This is not something they wanted to do, as evidenced by the 97 votes against it the first time.

But once you made your voices heard, they knew they better change their tune.

And they did.

Now that Baby River legislation has been passed, hospitals must offer life saving care to premature infants, even if they are born before 24 weeks gestation.

This legislation defies Roe v. Wade because it protects babies before the time-frame that Roe v. Wade determines they can be protected.

Another amendment Nisly and Jacob put forward was the Sanctity of Life amendment. We now have lawmakers on the record regarding defining and defending life in the womb.

These votes are important because pro-life Hoosiers deserve to know where our elected officials really stand on protecting the unborn.

Despite just voting against pro-life amendments, Indiana House Republicans will soon be back on the campaign trail as “pro-life,” hoping for your support in the 2022 primary election.

During the election, it is my goal to educate constituents and expose anti-life politicians who make pro-life promises they do not intend to keep.

While the 2022 primary election seems far away, the planning and preparing for statewide education must begin now!

Here is how I plan to do it:

  • Expand our direct mail and email program, informing our supporters of what is going on, what we are doing, and why.

  • Construct more non-regulating, hard hitting bills and amendments to be introduced during the 2022 legislative session.

  • Continue to keep records of our elected officials’ behavior during the 2022 legislative session.

  • Send surveys to politicians, getting them on the record with their pro-life stance.

  • Publicize survey results, including a highlight of those who lied on surveys.

  • Reach out to Hoosiers for Life supporters informing them of survey results, incumbents’ voting records, and where their lawmakers stand on ending abortion instead of just regulating the evil practice.

While Indiana lawmakers have packed up and gone home, our work here at Hoosiers for Life is just getting started.

We will not stop fighting for unborn babies!

If you want to join us in the battle, there are a few ways you could help.

First of all, please pray. Pray that our resources to reach the masses grow. While we have reached many, there are still tens of thousands of people in Indiana who do not know about the work we are doing. Also, please pray that people will offer to use their skills and talent to help us get the word out!

Secondly, contact me for volunteer opportunities! We have needs in several areas, so if you’re interested, please let me know you’d like more information.

Finally, I hope you’ll consider financially supporting Hoosiers for Life. Our outreach campaigns do make a difference! The more people we can reach, the louder our voices can be for the unborn. Even just a few dollars can help us make a difference!

I know some folks could give $500 or $100 today, and others may be able to give $50 or $20.

No matter how much you contribute, please know your generous donation will go toward ending legal abortion in our state and fighting for the lives of tiny Hoosier babies.

If you’d like to sponsor some of our upcoming programs, here’s a list of expenses:

One month of email: $100

One direct mailing to close supporters: $1,000

One direct mailing during the primary election to pro-lifers in the district: $4,100

Printing and mailing surveys to politicians: $500

Thanks to supporters like you, Hoosiers for Life has made a difference in the lives of babies this year, and we will not stop fighting until abortion is abolished in our state.

Because of your hard work, our elected officials are confronted with what stance they will take when it comes to the atrocity of abortion. Will they end legalized child killing when given the chance? We all deserve to know the real answer to that question.

Not only have you made a difference here in Indiana, but you have also helped us make a difference across the country. Eleven other states are taking our drafts and writing similar language to put forth legislation in their areas to end abortion and protect innocent human life.

Thank you for standing strong for the unborn and for such a successful legislative session. Let’s press on and keep fighting for every unborn child’s right to live!

For Life,

Amy Schlichter

Executive Director

Hoosiers for Life

P.S. This legislative session is over, and thanks to you, we accomplished much! Even though “pro-life” Republican Jerry Torr killed our abortion ban this year, legalized child killing was still a matter of importance during a year where legislators wanted to ignore it.

After backlash from Hoosiers for Life supporters, legislators were forced to pass legislation protecting premature infants even though they did not want to pass a bill which defied Roe v. Wade.

We also have lawmakers on the record with a vote on a Sanctity of Life amendment.

See the bullet points above regarding our statewide education outreach and how you can give to Hoosiers for Life!

Hoosiers for Life is a tax-exempt non-profit organization under IRC 501(c)(4) which does not endorse, support, or oppose candidates for election.

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1 comentario

21 jun 2021

It was certainly interesting seeing the huge numbers of "yes" votes on the floor - "YES" to killing babies. And disheartening to see that a representative whom we campaigned for, supported financially and physically, and urged people to vote for, who swore to be pro-life - Chris Judy - was one of the ones to quickly cast his vote for killing babies. I believe they are all liars, liars, pants on fire.

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