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  • Writer's pictureAmy Schlichter

RINOs Move Forward with Redistricting Scheme

Dear Friend,

Establishment politicians proceeded with their scheme to redistrict Rep. Nisly and Rep. Jacob out of the Statehouse, despite a flood of calls and emails insisting they reverse course.

Rep. Jacob is now in a district made up of more pro-abort Democrats than before.

Rep. Nisly has been drawn into a district to face another current state representative.

I’ve been asked many times, “Why would they do this?”

After all, Rep. Nisly and Rep. Jacob are the most pro-life and most conservative legislators in the Statehouse.

Why would the Establishment want to get rid of them?

The short answer is, Rep. Nisly and Rep. Jacob make the others look bad.

You see, Establishment politicians have a goal they don’t want you to know about.

Their goal is to make you think they’re working in your best interest, while really doing nothing—unless it benefits themselves.

For example, they might prance around during campaign season bragging of their “pro-life” accomplishments. They might even strut into a pro-life protest at Planned Parenthood in an attempt to earn your support.

But once in office, this same politician might kill Indiana’s abortion ban four times in a row and tell journalists if his wife wants an abortion, she better be able to get one.

Rep. Ben Smaltz isn’t alone in his betrayal of the unborn.

Representative Timothy Wesco let us know Republicans would NEVER end abortion.

Former House Speaker Brian Bosma told us we ought to focus on stuff that’s really important, and he instructed his fellow Republicans not to support abortion ban legislation.

Current House Speaker Todd Huston picked up the baton from Bosma and works at killing any amendment or bill which would ban abortion.

Representative Dan Leonard helps Huston block any pro-life amendment Nisly and Jacob pursue on the House floor.

Rep. Jerry Torr obeyed Huston’s orders and killed Protection of Life legislation earlier this year, which makes for the fifth time Republican leadership ordered the bill’s execution.

All of these men claim to be pro-life, but given the chance to end abortion, they refuse.

Year after year, members of the political class dig in their heels and side with Planned Parenthood, keeping abortion legal.

In stark contrast, Rep. Nisly filed an abortion ban five years in a row and pledges to continue battling for pre-born babies.

In just the one year he’s been in the Statehouse, Rep. Jacob has fought relentlessly for the pre-born, co-authoring the Protection of Life bill.

Both men authored strong pro-life amendments and went toe to toe with the Establishment, fighting for the rights of the unborn, even when no others would.

And so, with Rep. Nisly and Rep. Jacob striving to end abortion and the rest of the Establishment refusing to, you can see how the fake “pro-life” politicians are weary of being exposed as wolves in sheep’s clothing.

It’s getting harder and harder for them to keep their true stance on abortion from pro-life Hoosiers.

More and more folks are hearing about how their so-called pro-life elected officials kill abortion ban legislation and true pro-life amendments. And the Establishment HATES when that happens.

They will do almost anything to keep up their façade.

The district maps are just the first step.

Instead of speaking up for the pre-born themselves, the Establishment hopes to silence legislators who dare to be a voice for the voiceless.

In Rep. Jacob’s case, they may even be willing to hand a Republican seat over to a Democrat!

We have to let them know we are onto them.

The three representatives who need to hear from you today are:

House Speaker Todd Huston: 317-232-9677

Redistricting Committee Chairman Rep. Timothy Wesco: 317-232-9753

Author of the bill which contains redistricting maps, Rep. Greg Steuerwald: 317-232-9850

Tell these men you know what they did with the district maps and they should be ashamed of themselves. Tell them all they should be more like Rep. Nisly and Rep. Jacob instead of trying to kick pro-life heroes out of the Statehouse.

I really appreciate you making those phone calls. Even though the maps are set, it is still important we let our elected officials know we saw what they did.

And what’s more, the primary election will be here before we know it, and it’s vital we spread the word to as many pro-life folks as possible so they can also speak up to their elected officials and urge them to protect the unborn instead of killing pro-life bills and ousting pro-life legislators.

After all, there’s no better time to make your voices heard to a politician than when they’re seeking your support at election time.

I hope you’ll consider chipping in a few dollars, or even more, to help me reach more people with updates like this one. The more people who know what our elected officials are up to, the louder our voices can be for the unborn!

Thanks so much for your support.

I look forward to hearing back from you after you make those phone calls.

For Life,

Amy Schlichter

Executive Director

Hoosiers for Life

P.S. The Establishment followed through with their scheme to redistrict Representative Jacob and Representative Nisly out of the Indiana Statehouse.

These two pro-life heroes are working hard to protect the unborn, and the political class is tired of being forced to talk about legalized child killing.

Please call House Speaker Todd Huston, Rep. Tim Wesco, and Rep. Greg Steuerwald and let them know you’re on to them. Tell them you know what they did with the maps.

Urge them to stop killing pro-life bills and plotting to oust pro-life heroes. Tell them they ought to protect unborn babies instead.

Here are their phone numbers:

House Speaker Todd Huston: 317-232-9677

Redistricting Committee Chairman Rep. Timothy Wesco: 317-232-9753

Author of the bill which contains redistricting maps, Rep. Greg Steuerwald: 317-232-9850

After you call, I’d love to hear back from you about what they say!

I also hope you’ll consider pitching in $5 or $10 to help me keep pro-life politicians accountable to their pro-life promises.

Hoosiers deserve to know where their legislators REALLY stand on the issue of abortion!

Paid for by the supporters of Hoosiers for Life, a tax exempt non-profit organization under IRC 501(c)(4) which does not endorse, support, or oppose candidates for election.

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