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  • Writer's pictureAmy Schlichter

Republican Ben Smaltz to Comply with Pro-aborts’ Demands

Dear Friend,

“Pro-life” Republican Rep. Ben Smaltz plans to bury Indiana’s abortion ban, HB 1089, just as pro-aborts have been asking him to do.

Rep. Curt Nisly’s Protection of Life bill landed in Smaltz’s Public Policy committee after Hoosiers for Life and pro-lifers across the state pressured House Speaker Brian Bosma to release it.

Since then, headlines have been popping up everywhere:

1. Hoosier Lawmaker Proposes Bill Making Abortion Illegal in the State

2. Proposal Would Make Abortion Murder in Indiana, Attempts to Void any Court Challenges

3. Indiana Lawmaker Re-Files Bill to Outlaw Abortion in State

4. New Abortion Ban Bill Introduced in Indiana House

Planned Parenthood legal counsel Hannah Brass Greer nailed it when she said HB 1089 “would decimate abortion rights in Indiana.”

And, as expected, pro-aborts are losing their minds.

Indy Feminists, Planned Parenthood, and all of their liberal cronies will not easily give up their free pass to murder their own offspring.

Pro-Choice South Bend posted a cry for help on social media:

The pro-abortion group is demanding Smaltz keep abortion legal in Indiana.

And I’ve received word Ben Smaltz intends to do just that.

Those of us who are fighting for a pre-born child’s right to live are also contacting this so-called pro-life legislator. We are asking him to give Hoosier babies a chance in 2020 by granting a hearing on HB1089.

So far, Smaltz is refusing our requests and standing firm with Pro-Choice South Bend.

When a “pro-life” Representative ignores 40,000 voices demanding an end to legalized child killing and instead does the bidding of Planned Parenthood and Pro-Choice South Bend, we have a problem.

Smaltz campaigned as pro-life, even going so far as to stage a protest at Planned Parenthood in an effort to prove it to his voters.

And yet, year after year, this phony is the roadblock to saving more than 8,000 tiny boys and girls.

Yes, the Indy Swamp is swarming with liars who only care about getting elected. Smaltz knows he has to say he’s pro-life to win a seat at the Statehouse, but once he’s safely in office, he downright opposes ending abortion in our state.

Primary election season is just around the corner, and you can be sure Smaltz will be back out on the campaign trail making pro-life promises, even if he follows through with his plan to kill the Protection of Life bill again this year.

Since 2020 is a “short session,” we do not have much time to convince Rep. Ben Smaltz to change his mind.

Pro-aborts are calling the Statehouse daily, and Smaltz may be assuring them the bill will not get out of committee.

Let’s remind this wolf in sheep’s clothing that it was pro-life voters who elected him to his REPRESENTATIVE position in the first place.

Here’s how you can help.

First of all, sign your Protection of Life petition. An email will be delivered directly to Smaltz’s inbox, letting him know you support ending abortion in Indiana.

After that, call Ben Smaltz at 317-232-9620 and insist he give HB 1089 a fair hearing and a vote.

The pro-abortion crowd will viciously fight to keep killing kids. Pre-born babies cannot fight for themselves, and so, we must speak up louder than ever on their behalf.

That’s why I’m also asking you to forward this message to your friends after you sign your petition and call Smaltz.

His number is: 317-232-9620

I know there are many of you who have been calling, and I thank you so much for taking the time to do that.

Even if you called last week, please call again today: 317-232-9620

Tell Smaltz he has a duty to protect the innocent. Insist he hear HB 1089.

Tell him to stop obeying pro-choice groups and killing pro-life bills. Remind him of the 40,000 petitions delivered to the Statehouse in support of banning abortion. Ask him why he’s ignoring pro-lifers and granting pro-abort wishes.

If you get a response from Rep. Ben Smaltz, I’d love to hear from you. I’m keeping tabs on him and will update our supporters again soon.

Thank you standing with me in this battle for an unborn baby’s right to live!

For Life,

Amy Schlichter

Executive Director

Hoosiers for Life

P.S. Pro-abort groups are losing their minds over Rep. Curt Nisly’s abortion ban, HB 1089. Right now, Rep. Ben Smaltz plans to do what the pro-abortion groups are asking him to do and kill HB 1089, the Protection of Life bill.

I’m counting on you to sign your Protection of Life petition today.

Then, please call Rep. Ben Smaltz at 317-232-9620 and insist he reverse course. Tell him to stop granting pro-abort wishes and to side with pro-lifers instead.

I also hope you'll pitch in $5 or more to help me expose anti-life politicians.





Paid for by the supporters of Hoosiers for Life, a tax exempt non-profit organization under IRC 501(c)(4) which does not endorse, support, or oppose candidates for election.

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