Dear Friend,
The secret is out: inside sources confirm Indiana House Speaker Brian Bosma plots behind the scenes to kill bills and influence the legislature.
The Protection of Life bill, which would protect all unborn babies at the moment of conception, is on Bosma’s hit list.
Pro-life hero, Rep. Curt Nisly, has filed a bill to end abortion in Indiana three years in a row.
And for three years in a row, Planned Parenthood influenced our Republican led House of Representatives to bury the bill.
Despite warnings from Bosma to avoid ending abortion, Rep. Nisly has pledged to file the Protection of Life bill again in 2020.
Even though the 2020 legislative session has not yet begun, efforts are already underway to ensure abortion remains legal in Indiana.
And it’s no surprise.
Bosma has made it clear he doesn’t want to deal with protecting babies in the womb, even stating, “We deal with these every session...You guys ought to be focusing on the stuff that’s really important.”
This year, Bosma is taking his hatred of the Protection of Life bill to a new level.
Back in June, Ink Free News reported:
“…a top Republican from the General Assembly was in Warsaw earlier this month seeking to recruit a Republican to challenge Nisly.”*
Hoosiers for Life has newly discovered, and several sources confirmed, this “top Republican from the General Assembly” was none other than Brian Bosma himself.
Bosma is so sick and tired of having to face the issue of abortion he was the headhunter of a secret operation to unseat the most pro-life legislator in the General Assembly.
Since he cannot stop Nisly from filing the bill, Bosma's next move is just to eliminate Nisly.
Now, Brian Bosma will tell you he is the “most pro-life speaker” Indiana has had in a long while, but Bosma’s actions prove otherwise.
He pretends to be pro-life to earn the pro-life vote, but when he is given the opportunity to end abortion in our state once and for all, Bosma not only refuses to do so, but he also plots to remove anyone who seeks to protect every unborn baby’s God given right to live.
House leadership strives to dodge the abortion issue, as well as other strong conservative issues, and since Rep. Nisly confronts them with legalized child killing every year, they intend to silence him.
My friends, Bosma wants to silence the pro-lifers in Indiana. His actions over the years speak louder than his re-election words. Don't let him silence your voice!
Bosma is itching for you and me to stop talking about ending abortion so he can focus on what he believes is “really important.”
Well, I’m not going to stop insisting our lawmakers do their jobs and end the legalized slaughter of human beings.
I fully intend to deliver 40,000 petitions to Bosma and his leadership during the 2020 legislative session to show them what pro-life voters believe is “really important.”
In order to do that, I need to raise $2,400 by December 15th. This will cover the cost of printing and delivery. That’s a lot of money for one person to give, and I understand not many can give a gift of that amount.
That’s why I’m asking you to chip in $10 or $25 or whatever you can afford. Any little bit helps, and it will quickly add up!
If you haven’t already signed your Protection of Life Petition, please sign right now, and then ask five of your pro-life friends to sign.
I’d like to grow this stack of petitions as much as possible before December 15th, so if you are interested in helping share the Protection of Life Petition with others, please contact us.
After discovering his plan to personally assist in unseating the most conservative legislator at the Indiana Statehouse, it’s more important than ever that Bosma and his cronies hear from the pro-life community in Indiana.
Babies are dying, and while that may not be “really important” to the House Speaker, it is important to the pro-life voters who hired him.
Thank you for being a voice for your pre-born neighbor.
And thank you for your support of Hoosiers for Life.
Amy Schlichter
Executive Director
Hoosiers for Life
P.S. Republican House Speaker Brian Bosma reportedly scoured Indiana House District 22 for a challenger to Rep. Curt Nisly, who is the most pro-life legislator at the Statehouse.
Bosma is sick and tired of being forced to face the issue of legalized child killing, and his next move in killing the Protection of Life bill is to remove Rep. Nisly, the bill’s author.
I hope you’ll speak up loud and clear by signing your Protection of Life Petition today, and insist our elected officials do their jobs and end abortion in Indiana.
I plan to deliver 40,000 of those petitions to Brian Bosma and his leadership, but in order to do that, I need to raise $2,400 by December 15th to cover printing and delivery costs.
I hope you’ll chip in $15 or $10 today to help me plant these petitions on Bosma’s desk.
Paid for by the supporters of Hoosiers for Life, a tax exempt non-profit organization under IRC 501(c)(4) which does not endorse, support, or oppose candidates for election.