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  • Writer's pictureAmy Schlichter

Does Ending Abortion Matter This Year?

Dear Friend,

  • Raising gas taxes

  • Fireflies

  • Hair braiding

  • Silencing conservative legislators

  • Forbidding pro-life legislation

These are all items that have been on the Indiana legislators’ list of “stuff that’s really important” in the past.

Today (November 16, 2021), our lawmakers will gather once again at the Statehouse to kick off the 2022 legislative session.

What is on their list this year?

Frankly, I’m more concerned with what they plan to leave off.

You see, the Biden administration is aggressively forcing the left’s radical agenda at every turn, and Governor Eric Holcomb and his cronies have been all too willing to comply.

It’s only a matter of time before the tyrants in Washington set their sights on babies in the womb.

And when they do, we need legislation already in place to protect pre-born Hoosiers.

So far, Indiana legislators have refused to uphold an unborn baby’s God given right to live.

As a result, thousands of babies die every year at the hand of Indiana abortionists.

Despite what a “pro-life” politician might try to tell you at election time, babies aren’t safe in our state.

Nearly 8,000 boys and girls are murdered by abortion in Indiana every year.

Late term babies are killed in Indiana hospitals.

A South Bend abortuary still operates without a proper license.

The abortion industry is prospering, while small businesses are suffering.

Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky is zealously fundraising to fight against abortion bans in Indiana.

And the radical pro-aborts in Washington have already mentioned formally making abortion a constitutional right.

NOW has always been the time to end abortion.

And right now, as the new legislative session begins, our legislators have another chance to make Indiana an abortion free state and protect innocent boys and girls from tyranny in the womb.

Let’s make sure they know we expect them to do just that.

Call your legislators TODAY and insist they make ending abortion a priority this legislative session. Let them know you want it on their list of “stuff that’s really important.

If they pretend they don’t know what you’re talking about, just tell them they should be pro-life heroes like Rep. Curt Nisly and Rep. John Jacob.

After that, I hope you’ll consider chipping in a few dollars to support Hoosiers for Life.

Every dollar will be used to hold pro-life politicians accountable to their pro-life promises and to push for the total abolition of abortion in our state.

With their pattern of compromise and compliance, our Indiana legislators have angered a good deal of conservative constituents.

I was not surprised when this happened with other issues besides abortion. After all, if a representative can’t make the right decision when it comes to innocent babies, how can we trust them on other issues?

The good news is, our elected officials are feeling pressure.

Let’s keep it up and remind them we expect them to do their jobs and end abortion once and for all.

Message me and tell me what your representative has to say!

For Life,

Amy Schlichter

Executive Director

Hoosiers for Life

P.S. It’s Organization Day today (11.16.21), which means our legislators will meet to determine what’s important to them this session. Let’s make sure they remember what their jobs are—to represent YOU and what YOU find to be “really important.”

Call your legislators today and insist ending abortion be a priority this year.

After that, I hope you’ll consider pitching in a few dollars, even $10 or $5, to help us hold our pro-life politicians accountable to their pro-life promises.

Former House Speaker Brian Bosma

Paid for by the supporters of Hoosiers for Life, a tax exempt non-profit organization under IRC 501(c)(4) which does not endorse, support, or oppose candidates for election.

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