Dear Friend,
For the last couple of weeks, I have been asking for help launching our Candidate Survey Program.
And, I’m so grateful to announce you have helped us meet our goal!
The Hoosiers for Life Candidate Surveys are out the door. Thank you so much!
These surveys are important because they will get politicians on record with their pro-life stance.
Of course, a Republican candidate could campaign as pro-life, make pro-life promises, and then kill pro-life bills once in office.
But, our survey helps hold them accountable.
This year, we will be posting survey results online. Candidates have until March 18th to send their surveys back. If they have nothing to hide regarding their views on abortion, every candidate should be happy to answer our questions.
Thanks again for pitching in to send out surveys! If you didn’t get a chance to chip in this time, you can still help.
The primary is May 5th, and Hoosiers for Life is targeting a few key districts where voters need to know their candidates’ stance on ending abortion once and for all.
My goal is to raise $5,200 by March 18th so I can send letters and postcards to voters, educating them on survey results, as well as candidate behavior in office.
Our Republican led legislature killed the Protection of Life bill four times in a row, and voters need to know who was part of the plot to kill the bill and who stood for protecting every baby from the horror of abortion.
Pro-life Hoosiers deserve to know which candidates stand for pre-born babies and which stand with Planned Parenthood!
So, if you would still like a chance to help us out with educating voters during the 2020 elections, you can pitch in a few dollars or more today.
Every little bit counts, and I’m so thankful to be able to speak up for our pre-born neighbors and inform voters on who is really pro-life and who just pretends to be.
After all, when we don’t speak up, the bad guys get to run the show. Thank you for standing with me and being a loud voice for the unborn!
For Life,
Amy Schlichter
Executive Director
Hoosiers for Life
PS. Thanks to our generous supporters, we were able to fully fund our Candidate Survey Program! Surveys are on their way to candidates, and when the results come in, I will be posting results online.
If you didn’t get a chance to pitch in to help with surveys, you can still chip in toward our election communications. I hope to raise $5,200 by March 18th in order to mail postcards and letters to voters in key districts, educating them on survey results and candidate behavior while in office.
Another way to help is forwarding your Protection of Life petition on to your pro-life friends.
Paid for by the supporters of Hoosiers for Life, a tax exempt non-profit organization under IRC 501(c)(4) which does not endorse, support, or oppose candidates for election.