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  • Writer's pictureAmy Schlichter

Abortion Rate Up: PP Responsible for Half

Dear Friend of LIFE,

Back in June, I dreaded sharing this news with you, but I did it anyway--because you deserve to know the truth.

Indiana abortion rates are climbing.

The Indiana State Department of Health 2017 termination report reveals abortionists murdered 500 more babies in 2017 than they did in 2016.

Not only that, but 27 of those precious children were second trimester babies.

And to make matters worse, opponents of the Protection at Conception Bill aren’t being honest about Indiana’s abortion rate.

First of all, it is being reported that Planned Parenthood’s abortion numbers are down, but this is according to Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky’s report, which includes data from both Indiana and Kentucky. And these numbers are being used to make pro-lifers think Planned Parenthood is killing fewer babies in our state.

However, Indiana abortion numbers are UP, and according to the Indiana State Department of Health, Planned Parenthood is responsible for nearly half of the increase. In Indiana, the abortion giant killed 248 more babies in 2017 than in 2016.

While the pro-aborts might contend this is a small number, I’d like to put that number in perspective.

Wayne High School in Ft. Wayne, IN graduated 230 students in 2017.

Yes, my friend, Planned Parenthood abortionists slaughtered the equivalent of an extra graduating class last year.

The graphics below were taken from the Indiana State Department of Health termination reports in 2016 and 2017. Check them out to see how Planned Parenthood’s kill rate increased.

And the deception doesn’t stop there.

Rep. Ben Smaltz told you during his primary election campaign he has helped abortion rates decline.

But during legislative session he sided with Planned Parenthood and actually helped the body count rise.

When will enough be enough?

Unborn children are NOT safe in our state.

Planned Parenthood isn’t the only child killing company in Indiana. Abortionists kill babies at Women’s Med Center and Clinic for Women in Indianapolis, and Texas based abortion business, Whole Woman’s Health, is still trying to open a new clinic in South Bend. You can see the other abortion centers listed in the graphic above.

Republican leadership wants to pretend what they’re doing is working, but the fact is, regulating how many paper towels should be in the abortion mill bathrooms doesn’t save a single baby.

Children are still dying every day. And now, the number of kids killed by abortion is rising.

With the abortion death toll climbing, we MUST do something to fight back.

And you know what? Hoosiers for Life IS fighting back.

We are on the front lines at the Women’s Med Center and Merrillville Planned Parenthood. Our volunteers work tirelessly, offering help and pleading with women to have mercy on their babies. These are the only clinics in Indiana where the number of babies killed went DOWN.

Our mission is to protect all babies at the moment of conception, and we will not stop until every pre-born child is safe in Indiana, but until those stubborn politicians do their jobs and end child killing in our state, Hoosiers for Life will keep making a difference in the lives of moms and children out there.

Yes, we are saving babies on the streets, but our goal is to save them all.

And there’s no better time to end the slaughter of the innocent than NOW.

It’s time to pass Protection at Conception and stop the abortion industry in its tracks. It’s time to take the body count to zero.

Rep. Curt Nisly pledged to once again author the Protection at Conception Bill, which would effectively end abortion in our state. We have been gearing up for the 2019 legislative session, but it is going to take serious resources to keep these politicians in check and to fight Planned Parenthood, who is surely rejoicing over the increase in dead babies last year.

That’s why I hope you’ll chip in $50 or more to help us end abortion once and for all in Indiana. I know that’s a lot of money, and some of you can’t afford that right now. But even $25 would go a long way in our battle for the pre-born.

For those of you who would like to pitch in more, you can sponsor a Stand for Life event for $100. These are held outside of area abortion clinics to help women, save babies, and educate people on abortion issues.

But again, if that’s too much for you, a gift of $10 or $5 would help too.

Even if the child killing rate goes down next year, babies are still dying. And I will fight to protect every unborn child’s God give right to live.

Thank you so much for supporting Hoosiers for Life, the only no-compromise anti-abortion group in the state. Because of you, politicians are starting to listen, and I know one day, we will no longer need “termination reports” because there will be no more legalized child killing in Indiana.


Amy Schlichter

Executive Director

Hoosiers for Life

P.S. According to the Indiana State Department of Health, abortion rates are CLIMBING.

Sadly, some opponents of the Protection at Conception Bill are using tricky numbers to try to say Planned Parenthood is killing fewer babies than before. But, Planned Parenthood killed more babies in Indiana in 2016 than in 2017, and the abortion giant is responsible for nearly half of the increase in Indiana abortions.

With the death toll of pre-born babies rising, NOW is the time to protect them all.

Rep. Curt Nisly has pledged to author the Protection at Conception Bill once again, and Hoosiers for Life is gearing up for the legislative battle. I intend to hold “pro-life” politicians accountable to their campaign promises, but I need resources to do it.

If you could chip in $50, $25, or even just $10, it would go a long way in helping us protect all unborn babies at the moment of conception.

Paid for by the supporters of Hoosiers for Life, a tax exempt non-profit organization under IRC 501(c)(4) which does not endorse, support, or oppose candidates for election.

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