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  • Writer's pictureAmy Schlichter

Student Essay Contest with Prizes!


Hoosiers for Life is holding two essay contests for students.

If you are in high school or middle school, you’re eligible!

Submit your name, age, grade, address, and phone number along with your essay to [email protected] by April 30th to apply.

Winners will be announced by May 15.

Middle school (grades 6-8) prizes: 1st place $50, runner up $25.

Middle school prompt: in approximately 500 words, explain why it is important to protect all human life at the moment of conception.

High school prizes: 1st place $150, runner up $75.

High school prompt: Defend the pro-life position against a common argument that pro-choice people propose. Some examples include: the rape exception, over population, and bodily autonomy.

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