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  • Writer's pictureAmy Schlichter

Exposing Frauds in the Statehouse

Exposing Frauds in the Statehouse

Dear Friend,

Anytime now, your Indiana State Representatives and Senators will open their mai lboxes to find an important piece of mail, one in which you, the pro-life voter, will take great interest.

Hoosiers for Life is mailing a survey to Indiana legislators, asking them where they stand on the issue of LIFE and the Protection at Conception bill. After all, voters have a right to know whether or not their elected officials intend to end the legalized killing of innocent babies in our state.

This survey is important because it will allow us to compare legislators’ promises with legislators’ actions. In other words, it will help us expose the frauds in the Indiana Statehouse.

You see, during election season, many politicians, like Rep. Ben Smaltz, promise voters they are pro-life. However, when the legislative session comes around, they have a long list of lame excuses as to why they can’t stop the slaughter of innocent pre-born babies.

In Smaltz’s case, Planned Parenthood thanked him for killing the bill that would’ve ended abortion in Indiana. And I made sure his voters knew about it.

Your Rep might be like Smaltz—a wolf in sheep’s clothing, pretending to be “pro-life,” but in reality, siding with Planned Parenthood in keeping abortion safe and legal.

Maybe your Rep or Senator will admit they never plan to end abortion in Indiana. You should know about that for sure! And, if Indiana Republicans say they intend to end abortion but they refuse to try, then voters need to be informed of broken promises.

Since politicians are slow moving creatures, I’m asking for your help so our survey responses can be compiled more quickly. I need you to prod your legislators to fill out and send back their surveys.

Don’t let these guys buck you around--you, the voter, have a right to take Indy by the horns. Politicians are supposed to work for you, and they often forget you’re the reason they’re in office in the first place.

Yes, my friend, tell your Representative and Senator what you want, just like Rep. Curt Nisly tells Indy what he wants—an immediate end to the murder of innocent pre-born babies.

Call your Senator and Representative today and ask them what they think about abortion. Urge them to promptly fill out the Hoosiers for Life survey they’ll soon receive.

I know we are all curious how they’ll answer—and whether or not their behavior during next year’s legislative session will reflect their stated beliefs.

You better believe I’ll be keeping track.


Amy Schlichter

Executive Director

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