On October 1, 2017, a man perched from the Mandalay Bay Hotel in Las Vegas shot and killed fifty-eight people who were enjoying a country music concert. The injuries from this event are more than five hundred.
When someone loses sight of the intrinsic value of human life, unspeakable things like this happen.
These acts of senseless violence are a serious issue in our nation. Imagine if a governing official proposed a plan such as this:
The Mandalay Bay shooter didn’t need to die. What we need to do is legalize murder. These murders will happen anyway, and all of the shooters are ending up dead. We want to make the killing safe for the killers. We should establish a program where people with homicidal tendencies can shoot selected citizens, as long as they follow our rules.
No one would agree to legalize mass murder in order to save the murderer. However, this is a common mentality concerning abortion laws:
Abortions will happen anyway. If not in a sterile operating room, it will be a coat hanger in an alley. We should just allow the ‘clinics’ to operate to ensure that people getting abortions don’t bleed out in a motel room.
On average, an Indiana abortion doctor kills as many people as the Las Vegas shooter every two days.
We cannot accept this! Each child killed through abortion is a tragic loss of human life. If we are to outrage against mass killings like Las Vegas, we must be equally outraged about the mass killings that happen every day in Indiana.
Making abortion safe and rare is not good enough! We live in a world filled with injustices. Let us not accept them, but rather fight against them so that they do not so plague our lives.
If you are interested in joining our efforts to protect all Hoosier babies from the moment of conception, CLICK HERE and we will show you how you can help!
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