Establishment Politicians Scramble to Prove They’re Pro-life
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Dear Friend, After killing the Protection of Life bill for the fourth year in a row, Representative Ben Smaltz and the rest of the...
Amy Schlichter
Feb 6, 20204 min
Rep. Smaltz Betrays Unborn Babies, Keeps Abortion Legal
Dear Friend, For the fourth year in a row, Representative Ben Smaltz has kept abortion legal in Indiana. Despite 40,000 petitions...
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Amy Schlichter
Jan 28, 20202 min
Doomsday for Hoosier Babies
Dear Friend, Tomorrow is doomsday for Hoosier babies. Today is their last chance. “Pro-life” Rep. Ben Smaltz is holding fast to his...
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Amy Schlichter
Jan 24, 20202 min
UPDATE: Smaltz stoops to new low
Dear Friend, I have an urgent update on HB 1089, the Protection of Life bill. In case you missed my last message, catch up here. Here’s...
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Amy Schlichter
Jan 24, 20203 min
Smaltz to Kill Life Bill, Blames Bill's Author
Dear Friend, Time is short, so I’ll cut right to the chase. I’ve heard back from many of you who have called Rep. Ben Smaltz, and now I...
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Amy Schlichter
Jan 21, 20203 min
Republican Ben Smaltz to Comply with Pro-aborts’ Demands
Dear Friend, “Pro-life” Republican Rep. Ben Smaltz plans to bury Indiana’s abortion ban, HB 1089, just as pro-aborts have been asking him...
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Amy Schlichter
Jan 16, 20203 min
Under Pressure, House Speaker Releases Hostage Bill: Smaltz Next
Dear Friend, After diligent pressure from Hoosiers for Life and hundreds of phone calls, emails, and messages from folks like you, House...
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Amy Schlichter
Jan 15, 20204 min
Defiant House Speaker Refuses to Follow his own Rules
Dear Friend, Small children sometimes throw tantrums when they don’t get their way. Surely, you’re familiar with the screaming toddler...
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Amy Schlichter
Jan 13, 20204 min
Where is HB 1089?
Dear Friend, The 2020 legislative session is upon us, and Indiana lawmakers are wasting no time focusing on what they think is important....
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Amy Schlichter
Jan 9, 20204 min
40,000 Petitions Support Abortion Ban: HB 1089
Dear Friend, This is the moment we have all been fighting for! After fighting the good fight for forty seven years, striving to save...
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Amy Schlichter
Dec 12, 20192 min
Goal Met: 40,000 Petitions Headed to Statehouse
Dear Friend, You did it! For a few weeks now, I’ve been asking for your help on an important project—delivering 40,000 petitions to House...
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Amy Schlichter
Dec 4, 20193 min
Another Memo: Ending Abortion is Problematic
Dear Friend, Organization Day was two weeks ago--the day where members of the General Assembly gathered to kick off the 2020 legislative...
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Amy Schlichter
Nov 26, 20194 min
If You Can't Stand the Heat, Get Out of the Statehouse: Brian Bosma Quits
Dear Friend, Big news hit last week. Representative Brian Bosma announced 2020 would be his last session as Speaker of the House, and he...
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Amy Schlichter
Nov 16, 20194 min
Indiana House Speaker Plotting to Kill Pro-life Bill
Dear Friends, A couple of weeks ago, I told you our Indiana House Speaker, Brian Bosma, warned Indiana Republicans against ending...
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Amy Schlichter
Nov 7, 20194 min
House Speaker Schemes to Replace Most Pro-life Legislator
Dear Friend, The secret is out: inside sources confirm Indiana House Speaker Brian Bosma plots behind the scenes to kill bills and...
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Amy Schlichter
Oct 31, 20194 min
BREAKING: Indiana House Speaker Forbids Abortion Ban
Dear Friend, A warning has been issued to Indiana legislators: do not attempt to ban abortion in 2020. You would expect such a threat...
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